Score 100% Page Speed results with Fast Velocity Minify for WordPress

Higher Page Speed results can look like a trivial task sometimes. Performance and speed are results of certain compromises made between development, design, and content.

However, there are methods that will boost your overall PageSpeed results and make your website load much faster.

Improve Google Page speed results, GTMetrix, Pingdom

Fast Velocity Minify is the plugin that will offer you the ability to make your website faster by minimizing the size of all CSS and JS files on your WordPress website, combine all those separate HTTP requests into one combined file. The plugin also offers numerous options for adjusting the level of caching and to select the areas you want to optimize.

The plugin focused on true needs of optimization, so you can cache and minify pages and posts, you can find many useful tweaking options inside that you won’t find with any other caching plugins like W3 Total cache or similar in the free version.

This plugin is no real substitute for other caching plugins, it’s more like an addon for managing minification better.

Fast Velocity Minit plugin is also compatible with many popular caching plugins and it offers cache auto-purge support on W3 Total Cache, WP Supercache, WP Rocket, Wp Fastest Cache, Cachify, Comet Cache, Zen Cache, LiteSpeed Cache, Nginx Cache (by Till Krüss ), SG Optimizer, Godaddy Managed WordPress Hosting and WP Engine and more.

Best minification plugin for WordPress

One of the key things worth mentioning that this plugin offers the option to keep the order to CSS and JS files while they are combined and minified.

If you still struggle to keep your website position on Google after the website speed has become a ranking factor, check out our SEO & Performance optimization services.

You can download this plugin and you can read more about it on the official Fast Velocity Minify plugin page.

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I'm Davor, aka. Worda, founder of EleTuts. I hope my articles and guides will help you achieve more with Elementor and WordPress.
My passion is WordPress, plugins and theme development and all-around software development

Articles: 63

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