5 A.I. Powered plugins for WordPress

The term Artificial Intelligence is getting a hype thru out the entire year, its something new and it will change the way we see and use the web in the upcoming years.

Machine learning and deep learning are two things that are already returning the benefit of the new technology to the website or service owners.

What is A.I.?

Artificial Intelligence is a scope of technology used to simulate the way real persons think using machine learning and deep learning to create a neural network similar to the one that we have. Thus, this new concept brings ways to create a system of computers that will simulate neural networks and provide meaningful results.

How to use Artificial Intelligence in WordPress

Well, it all depends on the fact if you want to build your own A.I. or you just want to utilize the products or plugins that are already using it.

If you are planning to build your own A.I. model, you’ll need to learn more about the Keras model and Python. There are a lot of tutorials about building your own A.I. using TensorFlow or similar frameworks.

The other method is to simply install and use already built plugins that utilize the A.I. to provide results based on the input and thus replace the human work needed to accomplish those tasks. A.I. can analyze your content and images, filter the results and provide much-needed information.

Using plugins that are already utilizing the Artificial Intelligence

The number of WordPress plugins that are using Artificial Intelligence is growing thru out the year. You can find the list of useful and recommended WordPress A.I. plugins below.


Watsonfind - AI plugin for WordPress

This plugin is powered by IBM Watson’s cognitive A.I. and it uses a deep learning model to analyze your content to determinate the emotional impact your text might have on the readers. So, the plugin will let you know if your text sounds too formal, friendly, joyful…, etc.


WordLift - SEO for WordPress powered by A.I.

WordLift is the first SEO plugin that uses Artificial Intelligence to enhance the SEO aspects of the website. This plugin will help you to find and resolve any SEO issues and to further enhance and upgrade the SEO based on the input and analysis of your website.


Akismet plugin

This plugin is shipped with the default WordPress installation. It uses A.I. and deep learning to fight spam in WordPress. This plugin is highly recommended as it will surely prevent almost all SPAM messages and comments.

Quttera Web Malware Scanner

Quttera Malware Scanner - AI powered

Quttera malware scanner for WordPress is also powered by Artificial Intelligence. It can scan and remove the unknown malware based on the deep analyze of scanned virus or malware components. It will help you with removing of viruses, trojans, backdoors, worms, viruses, shells, spyware, and other threats as well as JavaScript code obfuscation, exploits, malicious iframes, malicious code injection, malicious code obfuscation, auto-generated malicious content, redirects, hidden eval code and more.

Related Posts for WordPress by Bibblio

Related Posts for WordPress by Bibblio

This related post plugin uses the latest machine learning technics to serve the most relevant related posts. The same Bibblio technology is used on National Geographic, Mashable and PC Mag. With this plugin, your related posts section will provide a better match and results.

You can check out the Related Posts by Bibblio live in action, just below the post content. 🙂


Artificial Intelligence is developing rapidly and we can expect to see more useful A.I. powered WordPress plugins in the future. Share your impressions on the A.I. topic, provide your feedback or propose a new plugin to be added on the A.I. powered plugins list.

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I'm Davor, aka. Worda, founder of EleTuts. I hope my articles and guides will help you achieve more with Elementor and WordPress.
My passion is WordPress, plugins and theme development and all-around software development

Articles: 63

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