Belgrade will host next WordCamp Europe 2018

Belgrade, Serbia will host the upcoming edition of WordCamp Europe, June 14-16, 2018. Prior host cities include Leiden, Sofia, Seville, Vienna, and Paris. Attendees and the massive 221-person volunteer crew gave their enthusiastic approval when organizers announced the event would be returning to Eastern Europe next year.

The Serbian WordPress community has grown exponentially since the first WordPress meetup was held in 2013 at ManageWP’s offices. Now, Serbia hosts meetups in several cities and many of them are averaging more than 100 attendees. is not very popular in Serbia so the WP Serbia Facebook group is used more frequently to organize community events.

Belgrade announced as Host for WordCamp Europe 2018

You can see the video with the new host announced right here:

WordCamp Europe 2018 will be in Belgrade, Serbia, June 14-16. You can expect great hospitality and awesome and delicious food.

See ya there 🙂

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