WordPress News

WordPress 5.3 “Kirk” released

The WordPress 5.3 named "Kirk" has been released and the latest WordPress update brings block editor enhancements and upgrades, expanded design flexibility, new Twenty Twenty theme and small but useful image editing tools.

Google Releases Native Lazyload Plugin for WordPress

In the latest release of Chrome browser (76) ,  a new “loading” attribute that supports native lazy loading in the browser has been added. An implementation for WordPress core is still under discussion. In the meantime, plugins that enable this for WordPress sites are starting to pop up, and Google has just released one of its own.

Elementor provides supports for Gutenberg blocks

One of the most pressing concerns for users in the Gutenberg editor era is how page builder plugins will respond. Speculation about the new editor “killing off-page builders” has run rampant. But these plugins are slowly evolving ahead of Gutenberg’s imminent inclusion in WordPress 5.0.