Elementor Cloud Websites – Turnkey solution for Web Creators

Elementor officially launched its own cloud hosting service aiming to offer customers a hassle-free solution for building an Elementor PRO website on the cloud.

Elementor Cloud is powered by Google Cloud Platform which should provide all cloud website owners with state-of-the-art cloud infrastructure and performance.

What’s included in Elementor Cloud websites?

Elementor Cloud websites are coming with pre-installed WordPress and Elementor + Elementor Pro plugins with licenses already activated.

You just have to log in to the WP admin area and start creating your new website. It’s that easy.

All Elementor Cloud accounts are granted the following hosting resources:

  • 20 GB of Cloud storage
  • 100 Gb traffic included
  • Free Let’s Encrypt SSL
  • Cloudflare CDN
  • Up to 100k monthly visitors

Please note that this is a managed hosting, thus some of the system settings cannot be changed

All in all, this package costs $99 per year, thus it looks like a good offer for a fair price.

What’s the benefit of having an Elementor Cloud website?

All web creators or small agencies who are developing websites for their clients could benefit from it. Not just in terms of having decent resources at your disposal, but you also have Cloud chat support from Elementor included.

Besides that, it’s a carefully planned package that will allow you to create and maintain your Elementor-powered website. This is a perfect turnkey solution for your customers, as you can create, deploy and maintain a website from one place without worrying about backups, access, collaboration, and support.

See Elementor introduction video

Top Features of Elementor Cloud hosting

Some cool and easy-to-use features are built in the Elementor Cloud Websites package.

My Elementor Dashboard

You will have all your cloud websites listed and accessible from your My Elementor dashboard. From here, you can create a new Elementor Cloud Website, add a custom domain, create & download backups, add your team members, and access support from one place.

There is also a Site-Lock feature to set the Pin code for accessing the website under construction or maintenance.

My Elementor Dashboard
My Elementor Dashboard

Elementor Cloud website is a managed WordPress hosting, which means that you won’t be able to control system configuration or settings like PHP.ini, Nginx location blocks, MariaDB/MySQL, etc.

The platform aims to empower Web Creators to build websites on the cloud without worrying about the technical stuff.

Elementor Pro included

Each Elementor cloud website is coming with preinstalled and activated copy of Elementor and Elementor PRO. This will allow you to rapidly develop the website as you can quickly import the desired template and start working in less than a minute.

Importing Template Kit from the Library (Pro)
Importing Template Kit from the Library (Pro)

One of the features that help you with a fast start is definitely a setup wizard that will allow you quickly import the desired Kit, right after your first log in. After completing the wizard, you will be able to head start with your future website.

Great Storage and Bandwidth

The package includes 20Gb of space which is more than enough for an average website for a small business, agency, portfolio, or even mid-size shop. As for the visitor’s number limitations, if you truly hit 100k on a monthly basis you should already own a dedicated VM on the cloud.

Backup and Restore

Form your My Elementor Dashboard, you can create a backup at any time. You can also download or restore a backup with one click. This feature is running smoothly and it’s pretty fast, even for a website with a couple of gigs in size.

Nginx Webserver

All websites are powered by Nginx webserver and PHP-FPM for fast PHP processing. We don’t need to mention that Nginx is nowadays the most used and fastest web server and proxy.

All major brands and services websites are already benefiting from Nginx. Even our website is powered by Nginx.

Cloudflare Enterprise protection

Elementor Cloud websites are protected by Cloudflare and its infrastructure.

Cloudflare Enterprise provides all websites with SSL, reverse proxy, and caching as well as state-of-the-art DDOS protection.

Build on Google Cloud Infrastructure

Elementor Cloud is built up on Google Cloud infrastructure which ensures the top-tier quality of servers and network. GCP also provides the latest technologies and solutions like their Kubernetes engine which plays a key role in the overall performance of cloud websites.

Google Brand

I’m sure you are all aware that Google’s infrastructure presents amazing opportunities to grow. Along with partners like this, your future cloud-hosted Elementor website will flourish.

Awesome Support at Elementor Cloud

Elementor Support

Elementor invested a lot of time and effort to make their support shine and there is huge progress in response time and quality of support Elementor provides.

This is one of the best sides of Elementor Cloud websites. Elementor Support Agents will assist you via live chat and email and earn your trust in the Elementor brand for sure.

The response time is quite fast and the help is one of the best in the industry.

These things can be confirmed by anyone from the Elementor community who is with Elementor for more than a year. The support service has been revamped entirely and the benefits from the customers are visible by far.

Are there any limitations?

We know this sounds like a dream, having a cloud-hosted and managed Elementor hosting with decent resources for just $99 per year. Well, there are some things to consider as we are talking about managed hosting.

Managed Elementor hosting is made for people that don’t want to deal with any kind of technical issue. They don’t want to modify PHP settings or anything similar and they rely on host technical support.

For all advanced users which regularly use their coding skills, modify PHP settings to suit their needs, or pretty much anything more advanced, they might find these limitations problematic.

Currently, Elementor Cloud websites are not allowing SFTP access, no PHP configuration is possible, and no ability to add or edit Nginx location or server blocks.

Most users will never need to alter these settings, but those who are used to it, should consider this before venturing into cloud websites.

There are many improvements to the system aimed at making this cloud hosting service a great choice for everyone.

We don’t have any information or details about the features that will land on the Elementor cloud, but most likely, they will introduce different types of accounts that might include those advanced options in the following months.


Elementor Cloud websites are definitely affordable and easy to deploy which makes them a perfect solution for many freelance designers and agencies. It is also very noob friendly, so we assume everyone could be able to start creating with Elementor Cloud today, so give it a try.

We love hearing back from you, if you have any questions or reviews to share on this topic, make your voice heard in the comments.

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