Fix 405, 402, 401 errors in Elementor Forms

If you are using Elementor Forms, sometimes you might encounter problems with Forms submission records inside Elementor > Submissions page.

When you start inspecting the issue in the browser console, you’ll notice HTTP 405, 402, and 401-related errors.

This article explains the reason behind HTTP status codes 405, 402, and 401 and how to solve them and make your Elementor Form Submissions page work as expected.


First, let’s see what these status codes mean and why we are seeing them.

HTTP 401

The HTTP 401 Unauthorized response status code indicates that the client request has not been completed because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource


The message states that the action initiated is not allowed to execute.

HTTP 402

The HTTP 402 Payment Required is a rare status code classified as “experimental” or under development. It was created for future use with micro-transactions in mind.


This message can get triggered when trying to access the protected object.

HTTP 405

The HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed response status code indicates that the server knows the request method, but the target resource doesn’t support this method.


The message usually states that the method of accessing the object is not allowed or not supported.

How to solve Elementor Forms errors 405, 402 and 401

Elementor Forms can have issues on specific servers depending on the overall setup. The Submissions page will not hold any records and inside the console, you’ll see the errors.

Usually, you will start seeing HTTP 405, 402, or 401 error codes inside the browser console.

What causes these error codes?

There are a couple of reasons why these errors code are displayed in the console.

They could be caused by additional PHP security like mod_security, which prevents the execution of suspicious requests. Also, WordPress security plugins can also trigger those errors.

Some servers are configured to block REST API access, or they are limiting the POST method in a way that causes issues like this.

The issue could be related to entries in the forms database tables and more.


In most cases, errors like these are generated by server security and setup, and resolving them will require reaching out to host support and asking for assistance.

Before we reach for support, we should check our website and make sure the issue is not coming from our side.

We can start with the following steps.

Check SSL

Check if your website is using SSL as something the server will block requests using the POST method over an insecure connection (eg. HTTP://).


In some rare cases, the issue could be related to the URI structure. You should access your website WP admin area > Settings > Permalinks and just click on the save changes to rebuild the permalinks.

Check Elementor Forms tables

We recently published an article explaining the DB issues in Elementor Forms, see here: Fix Elementor Forms missing Submissions

Enable WP Debug

You should also enable debugging in WordPress and check the logs for errors. You can learn how to Enable Debugging in WordPress.

Updates, Plugins, Themes

After we enabled the debugging, we can check logs and look for the errors that might rise after the latest updates to the core, plugins, and themes.

You can start by disabling all plugins and switching the theme to default TwentyTwenty, and roll back the backup to see if the error occurred in the period between the backup and recent updates.

Reach you host

The final step is to reach out to your host and ask them to check the root cause of these issues. You may ask them to check if the REST API access is restricted and if there are any mod_security rules that are affecting your website.


Elementor Forms errors like 405, 402, and 401 are usually related to the same thing. Following the steps should solve the problem.

Please feel absolutely free to share your feedback on this or simply ask for help.

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I'm Davor, aka. Worda, founder of EleTuts. I hope my articles and guides will help you achieve more with Elementor and WordPress.
My passion is WordPress, plugins and theme development and all-around software development

Articles: 63

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