Fix missing or misplaced images shared on Facebook and Social Media

If your posts are not displaying the proper Featured image when shared over social media like Facebook or Twitter, it means that your WordPress website needs to have an open graph and twitter card code added.

How to display Featured images on Social media properly

The best and easiest way is to use some SEO plugin for WordPress, like Yoast SEO or All In One Social Media. These SEO plugins will take care of the basic SEO optimization of your website and add the needed markup for social sharing.

This markup will tell the social media website the right title, description, and image for all your posts including pages.

How to install Yoast SEO?

It’s super easy. Just access your WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to Plugins -> Add new. Once you open up this page, enter the Yoast SEO in the search form at the right side and wait for the results.

Fix missing or misplaced images shared on Facebook and Social Media

Once the Yoast SEO is installed, just click install and activate.

How to adjust social sharing open graph with Yoast SEO?

Once the plugin is installed, you’ll see the SEO menu item in the admin area. How to access the SEO -> Social -> Facebook. You will see the option to “Add Open Graph metadata”. Make sure that is turned on. You can also specify the default image here, for posts that are not having assigned any other Featured images.

Save changes and your WordPress website should share the proper data and image for all posts and pages.

Once you setup all this, the sharing data will also be working for Twitter, LinkedIn and all other major social networks.

How to check if my WordPress website displays proper post image?

It’s easy, just access the Facebook Sharing debugger and paste your blog URL’s and check upon them.

If the problem is still present, make sure that you have flushed the cache on your website if any.

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I'm Davor, aka. Worda, founder of EleTuts. I hope my articles and guides will help you achieve more with Elementor and WordPress.
My passion is WordPress, plugins and theme development and all-around software development

Articles: 63

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