WooCommerce 3.8 released! See what’s new

WooCommerce 3.8 delivers new WooCommerce Product Blocks and a few enhancements for all store owners, plus new hooks and tweaks for developers. It also addressed the block editor as we mentioned earlier in our articles about WordPress’s long-term goals.

What’s new in Woo 3.8

WooCommerce 3.8 is likely the last minor release in 2019.

It should be fully backward compatible with all WooCommerce releases since 3.0.

WooCommerce Blocks 2.4

WooCommerce Product Blocks, our eCommerce-focused collection for the Gutenberg Block Editor, allow you to easily showcase products on your site.

Here are some new blocks that are new from 2.4 version.

Reviews Blocks

Animated screenshot showing new Reviews blocks in action.

There are 3 new blocks for Reviews:

  • Reviews by Product
  • Reviews by Category
  • All Reviews

Share social proof about your products by placing All Reviews on the landing page, drop Reviews by Product on the product page, and use Reviews by Category to show how previous customers loved hand-knit socks to visitors looking for winter wear.

Product Search

Animated screenshot showing the new Product Search block in action.

Give customers the power to find the products they’re looking for from any page on your site with the new Product Search block.

More about these new WooCommerce Product Blocks in the Release Notes.

For developers, WooCommerce 3.8 includes:

  • A new template – content-widget-price-filter.php – for displaying a product price filter widget. Previously this was embedded in a core file.
  • Several new hooks and filters
  • Localization tweaks for Japan, Namibia, Zambia, and US Minor Outlying Islands
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